Super7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates Wave 4 - Set of 4 Donatello, Casey Jones, Muckman & Joe Eyeball & Mondo Gecko
SUP7-018-048Wave 4 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates from Super7 helps you relive the fun and excitement of the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures. These 7" highly-articulated action figure is made-to-order and limited edition. Another perfect addition to your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection.
Product Features
- 7 inches (17.78cm)
- Made of PVC and ABS plastic
- Super articulated
- Beautifully painted
- Huge variety of interchangeable parts and accessories
- Based on the vintage Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toy line
Box Contents
- Donatello figure
- 2 Alternate heads (Standard, Mouth closed)
- 3 Sets of hands (Weapon holding, Fists, Open hands)
- Communicator
- Classic Weapons
- Kama
- Turtle fist dagger
- Bo Staff
- Ninja Star
- Pizza Slice
- Casey Jones figure
- 3 Sets of hands(Weapon holding, Relaxed, Fists)
- Golf Bag
- Hockey Net Weapon rack
- 3 Hockey pucks
- Hock Stick
- 3 Baseball Bats
- Muckman & Joe Eyeball figure
- 2 Sets of hands (Weapon holding, Muck hands)
- Removeable skull cap
- Muck Gun
- Muck pack
- Mondo Gecko figure
- 2 Alternate heads (Standard, Open Mouth)
- Turbo charged sewer Skateboard
- 4 Sets of hands (Weapon holding, Open palm, Relaxed hands, Hang loose)
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